10 Essential Nutrients Vegetables For Your Better Health

Essential Nutrients Vegetables

10 Essential Nutrients Vegetables For Your Better Health

Our body needs different kind of vitamins and minerals in daily basis. Every day we eat and drink different kind of foods for supplying that energy. It is better to eat nutritious and healthy vegetable rather than eating unhealthy foods. Usually you will find unhealthy foods are tasty but have zero nutritional supplements. I will discuss with you 10 Essential Nutrients Vegetables whom you can put top in your diet plan. All of them are rich in vitamin and minerals.

# Carrot

Carrot is a healthy nutritious root vegetable. It is also a weight friendly vegetable for you. It can be your helping hand in decreasing the cholesterol level. It has an antioxidant name as carotene which can help you to reduce the risk of cancer. Usually they are orange in color but you can also find them in white, yellow, purple and red. But I will suggest you to take orange carrot because it contains the highest nutrition value rather than others. It has low rank membership of glycemic index but still taste sweet. So, you can eat them if you want to taste some sweet in your diabetics.

healthy vegetableKale

Kale is a high fiber winter vegetable. It contains different kind of minerals and vitamins which can help you to build healthy body. Its potassium supplement can provide you relief from the risk of heart disease. It also has lutein which is a great component for your eyes development. Many doctors suggest this vegetable for those who have kidney problems. It is tasty and nutritious at the same time. You can enjoy them with your salad or make a side dish.


Nutrition value of foods and vegetables are more important than their taste. Hundred grams of asparagus contains only twenty grams of calorie. As it is low in calories so you can call it a good weight loss vegetable. It is a great source of fiber, folate, vitamin A, vitamin K and even chromium. Chromium helps to improve the ability to transfer insulin from bloodstream to cell. It also contains lot of soluble and insoluble fiber. Sometimes asparagus are used to prevent stone from your kidney.  Before eating asparagus, make sure you are not allergic to this vegetable.

Also Read: 5 Effective Weight Lose Plans.

Broccoli Rabe

It is an excellent vegetable to fight with dangerous free radicals on your blood. Free radicals can trigger cancer in your blood cell. So to keep away from that you can add broccoli in your vegetable nutrition chart. It is also rich in dietary fiber, protein, vitamin A and vitamin C, folate, potassium and many other healthy components. It can also help you in your weight loss program as it is filled with water. It will provide you better digestion and keep your belly full for longer period. You can boil this vegetable with salted water to remove the bitter taste of it.


Spinach is a nutrient-dense green and leafy vegetable. If you want to eat healthy, you can add this vegetable in your healthy eating guidelines. It contains a component name as folate. Folate helps you to keep away from stroke and heart diseases. It has vitamin A and C which is antioxidant and can increases your ability to fight with diseases. One cup of spinach contains only 41 gram of calorie which can help you to keep in a good body shape. It also has ingredients which are good for your skin.


Tomatoes have a great potential in fighting against cancer. This healthy vegetable contains lycopene which can help you to reduce the risk heart disease and protect your eyes. It also helps in maintaining the blood pressure and reduces excess glucose in your blood. You can eat this nutrient dense vegetable in all forms. Some studies have shown that tomatoes fibers can be beneficial for type 2 diabetes patient. Its fibers can also help you in reducing constipation.


Green peas are nutritious vegetables for your health. It is a low calorie food with decent amount of vitamins and minerals. Its fiber and legumes can reduce your LDL cholesterol level. LDL cholesterol level can increase the risk of heart disease. It also has riboflavin, niacin, vitamin K, vitamin C, copper, phosphorus and magnesium. Vitamin K and magnesium can help you to build strong bones. It also has vitamin C which will enhance your immune system. If you are trying to lose your weight, add this small vegetable in your diet chart.

# Avocado

Avocado is a highly nutritious vegetable. They contain high amount of potassium which can help you in enhancing bone strength. They also contain monounsaturated fatty acids which can be good for our heart health. Both triglyceride and cholesterol level can be reduced with the help of vitamins in this vegetable. Those who are looking for a vegetable which can help them in their weight loss program, you can consider this vegetable as a candidate. Hundred gram of avocado contains only 160 gram of calories.


Okra is also known as lady finger. It contains rounded seeds inside it. In a recent study scientist have find out that okra can maintain your blood sugar and help you in type 1 and type 2 diabetes. It can also help you to prevent calcium and magnesium deficiency. Try to eat in a limited amount so that the nutrient in vegetable does not affect you in bad way. Besides all these nutrition value, it is also rich in thiamin, folic acid, riboflavin, zinc and dietary fiber.


Potato is a cheap and nutritious vegetable in the market. A 5oz of potato contain only 110 gram of calorie. They are fat and cholesterol free. It can fulfill the half amount of your daily vitamin C need. It also contains carbohydrate, magnesium, fiber, iron and vitamin B6. It is good to eat boiled potato rather than fried potato. I will also suggest you to eat them with their skin because that skin also contains high amount of healthy materials.

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Health is more precious than gold. Gold can be bought from the market but health can’t.  A better health can only gain with proper diet plan and exercise. Most of the food which you add in your diet list should be rich in vitamin and minerals and on the other hand low in fat and calories. Most of the vegetables have rich nutrition value with low calorie amount.  I have shown you why some vegetables should be added in your diet chart.

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Masud Rana
Masud have done his post graduation from the BRUR. He likes to write about health, lifestyle fitness, world news, beauty, Medicine and nutrition, physical rehabilitation, sports massage and post-operative rehabilitation. Masud's goal is to help people live healthier lives by educating them about food, exercise, mental wellness and other lifestyle choices that can improve their quality of life.


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