Immune Defence Review – Strengthening your immunity the smart way.

Immune Defence Review

Are you fed up of the fact that you get sick frequently? Do you feel tired all the time? Well, this is a red flag alert. If you have weak immunity, then it becomes difficult to combat infections. Such people are often the victim of the common cold. It means that it is time to explore Immune Defence. There are times when you take immense care of your health. However, you still feel the need for additional supplements to cater to the deficiencies of your body. What you need to keep in mind is that ignoring these deficiencies will take a toll on your health. The worst part is that when you have weak immunity, your infections are of a more critical nature. As a result, it takes you more time to recover. The quality of your life diminishes. It is human nature that if you are sick frequently, then it has a negative impact on your mood also. You are unable to carry out the day to day activities with ease. It is essential not to indulge in self- pity. The best approach is that you should think of ways to counter the problem. We will talk about how Immune Defence can help you. Let’s Read Immune Defence Review

What is Immune Defence?

Immune Defence is a food supplement. Now, the problem with most people is that they find it difficult to eat pills. The exciting part is that Immune Defence lozenges is available in the form of lozenges. It is easy to consume the lozenges.

Every lozenge has about 3.5 mg of Zinc and about 2.5 mg of Vitamin C. The lozenge has a soothing effect. It tends to soothe the back of your throat with zinc ions. It has immune boosting ingredients that will benefit you for a long time to come.

The lozenges are of premium quality so you are bound to get the benefits.

Who is the manufacturer of Immune Defence?

Swiss Research Labs manufactured this supplement. They specialize in creating quality health products. The best part is that they conduct detailed scientific research when manufacturing the products.

The products get manufactured in a UK-Based facility. The manufacturing process has been ongoing for about 40 years. They comply with the hygienic standards when manufacturing the products.

Well, this is why you should not have any doubts when buying this supplement.

What are the Ingredients of Immune Defence?

  • Rose Hip Powder:

One of the main ingredients of this supplement is Rose Hip Powder. It is a rich source of Vitamin C. The good news is that Rose Hip Powder can play a crucial role to prevent chronic diseases. It can also help to prevent cancer.

It stops the growth and migration of cancerous cells. If you are struggling with high cholesterol levels, then Rosehip powder is bliss for you. It helps to lower the cholesterol. The vitamin C present in the Rosehip powder helps to boost the collagen production.

It also lowers inflammation present in your body. The benefit of the vitamin C present in Rosehip powder is that it helps to combat joint weakness. The vitamin C also helps in maintaining the health of the blood vessels.

Rose Hip Powder also boosts your overall immunity due to the presence of vitamin C in it. You will not have to suffer from flu and cold due to the presence of vitamin C in this powder. The good news is that Rose Hip Powder also prevents Rheumatoid Arthritis. The powder can also help you manage diabetes.

Rose Hip Powder also helps in regulating your blood pressure. If you have digestion problems, then this powder will help get rid of this issue. The powder will also improve the overall health of your skin.

Rose Hip Powder is beneficial for heart health also. It is essential for kidney health also.

  • Aniseed Oil:

Another key ingredient of this supplement is Aniseed oil. The oil has sedative effects and it can stop hysteric attacks. The reason is the oil can slow the nervous system and circulation response. Once the blood circulation improves, then you can get rid of Arthritis pain. The oil tends to reduce the sensation of the pain.

The best part is that Aniseed oil has antiseptic properties also. It helps the body to fight against infections. It is a perfect antispasmodic and helps to combat against cough. It helps to cure constipation also. The oil helps to treat indigestion as well.

The oil helps you counter the flu. It is a decongestant and helps to treat the congestion of the lungs.

  • Zinc Gluconate:

Well, Zinc Gluconate is also one of the essential ingredients of this supplement. There is no denying the fact that Zinc Gluconate is a perfect cold remedy. Zinc is a naturally occurring mineral and it has several other health benefits also. For example, it tends to boost your overall immunity.

It may help in controlling the blood sugar.

  • Acelora Powder:

Immune Defence has Acelora Powder also. The benefit of Acelora Powder is that it prevents scurvy caused by the deficiency of Vitamin C. It treats the common cold and also helps in preventing depression. Acelora Powder may help in preventing cancer also. It tends to strengthen the overall immunity of your body.

How Does  Immune Defence work?

 The Aniseed Oil present in the lozenges soothe your throat. The benefit is that you will be able to overcome throat irritation in no time. Remember, that if you do not consume this lozenge on the first signs, then you may not get the best results.

The Vitamin C present in this supplement will help your body fight against the flu and cold.


  • It supports the immune system.
  • It is a natural aniseed flavour lozenges
  • You can look forward to quick results with the lozenges
  • They are affordable.
  • It supports your body’s resistance to highly infectious cold and flu viruses.
  • The manufacturer carries out a prompt delivery.
  • It reduces the duration and symptoms of colds.
  • It comes with a 100 days refund guarantee.


Ordering the lozenges online may be a limitation for some individuals. If the supplement is available in physical stores, then it will become easy for people to buy them with ease.

Where to Buy Immune Defence?

Ideally, you should only buy the supplement from the official website. The benefit is that you will not have to worry about Immune Defence scam when you buy from the site. The product available on the site is authentic.

The good news is that you can get exclusive discount offers when you buy from the official website.

Frequently Asked Questions  About Immune Defence

Q1. Why you should order Immune Defence?

You must order Immune Defence supplement because the team take special care when packing your order. The staff makes use of face masks when packing your orders. They use medical grade sanitizers when managing the packing.

The best part is that they carry out no contact drop off. Well, this means that your health is not on the line when you order this supplement.

Q2. When should I consume this supplement?

 You should take one lozenge every 2 hours. Do not take more than 4 lozenges per day

Q3. Who should consume Immune Defence?

Children and adults above the age of 12 should make it a point to consume these lozenges.

What are the precautions I must follow when taking this supplement?

If you are taking antibiotics, then you must not take this supplement in this situation.

Q4. How to boost the results of this supplement?

You must follow a healthy lifestyle if you want to boost the results of this supplement. The critical aspect is that you must include fruits and vegetables in your diet. When you have a cold, make sure that you stay hydrated. Drink about 8 glasses of water in a day.

You should start consuming chicken broth on the first signs of the flu. The benefit of this practice is that you will recover in no time. Make sure that you avoid junk food also.

Q5. What are the Refund Policy of Immune Defence?

It comes with a 100 days refund guarantee, excluding shipping charges.


You can spend on this supplement without any doubts. The reason is that you get a 100-day money back guarantee. When the manufacturer offers a money-back guarantee, then this means that they are confident about the results.

The process of placing the order is also convenient. You need to click on the order button available on the site. You can go for 1-month supply, 3-month supply or 5-month supply. If you face any issues in placing the order, then you can discuss with the support team.

Live chat support facility is available so communication will not be a problem. Do not miss out the opportunity to order this supplement right away.

Masud Rana
Masud have done his post graduation from the BRUR. He likes to write about health, lifestyle fitness, world news, beauty, Medicine and nutrition, physical rehabilitation, sports massage and post-operative rehabilitation. Masud's goal is to help people live healthier lives by educating them about food, exercise, mental wellness and other lifestyle choices that can improve their quality of life.


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