Simple Promise Prociva Review – 9 Things You Need to Know.

Prociva Review

Are you looking forward to improve your heart function? Well, once you make up your mind, then you rush towards opting for supplement. The best supplement to go for is Prociva.

 When people opt for health supplements, then they have loads of concerns. What most people worry about is getting hold of the best results. However, Prociva will not let you down on your expectations.

It is essential that you care for your heart function because heart problems can lead to a lot of complications. It becomes difficult for you to function with heart problems. Carrying out daily activities also becomes a struggle. We will find out how Prociva can make a difference.

What is Prociva?

Well, Prociva is a dietary supplement that supports heart health. The good news is that Prociva has all the safe ingredients. As a result, you will not need to worry about any side effects. When you take this supplement consistently, then you can look forward to the best results in about three months.

However, it may take longer for some people to witness the results. For example, it can even take up to six months to witness the results.

Who is the Manufacturer of Prociva?

Well, Simple Promise is the company that sells Prociva. What makes the company stand out is that they are detail-oriented. They make it a point that they only source the best ingredients. Secondly, all the ingredients undergo extensive research. The objective is to come up with the best formula that will offer value to the users.

Well, this is one of the reasons that the portfolio of the company is increasing with every passing day. The best part is that the company has a team of experts and this is why the products can be trusted.

What are the Ingredients of Prociva?

  • Arjuna:

One of the key ingredients of this supplement is Arjuna. It is an extract which gets extracted from the bark of a tree. One of the key benefits is that the ingredient helps in controlling your blood sugar. It also helps to heal the wounds fast.

You will be pleased to know that Arjuna is also helpful when it comes to reducing the inflammation in the human body.

  • Motherwort:

You will also find Motherwort in this supplement. It is a herb in the mint family. The best part is that Motherwort in this supplement helps you in fighting your anxiety levels. There are times when you suffer from over active Thyroid. Well, Motherwort can also be useful in treating this problem. The best part is that you will be in a position to overcome flatulence with this herb.

  • Folic acid:

One of the key ingredients of this supplement is the Folic acid. The best thing about Folic acid is that it helps your body in forming the new red blood cells. The best part is that Folic acid can be effective when it comes to fighting depression.

  • Hibiscus:

Well, Hibiscus is a flowering plant in this supplement. The best thing about Hibiscus is that it helps to control your fasting blood sugar levels. What you must keep in mind is that fasting blood sugar levels can have a harmful effect on your heart.

  • Vitamin D:

The supplement has Vitamin D also which is essential for your bone health. What is worth mentioning is that Vitamin D controls your blood sugar levels also. The best part is that Vitamin D protects your body from lung disease.

Prociva Ingredients

How Does Prociva Work?

Well, Arjuna present in this supplement helps to reduce the blood pressure. Once your blood pressure is in control, then it becomes easier to improve the heart function. Plus, people with controlled blood pressure remain protected from heart disease.

What is worth mentioning is that Motherwort in this supplement helps in improving your heart function. Plus, Motherwort also helps in controlling your blood pressure. At the same time Motherwort also helps to regulate your heart beat.

The supplement has the goodness of Folic acid that helps in fighting the heart disease. Hibiscus in this supplement also has a key role in controlling your blood pressure. Once you have a controlled blood pressure, then again risk of heart disease gets reduced.

Vitamin D can also help in improving your cardiovascular health. All the supplement work in the perfect combination so that you can look forward to optimum health. The best part is that when you start taking this supplement, then you will feel more active.

Carrying out your daily tasks will not be a problem for you at all.


  • It improves blood pressure & reduces blood fat levels.
  • The supplement protects your body from free radical damage and you can fight diseases with ease
  • You will not have to face any digestive disorder when taking this supplement
  • It protects the heart from damage by maintaining healthy heart rhythm.
  • Your quality of life witnesses a significant improvement with this supplement
  • It reduces risk of heart disease and stroke
  • The formula is a cost-friendly option which you can afford with ease
  • It provides cellular support for heart muscle


  • Physical stores fail to keep this supplement and you can only find this supplement online
  • The website needs to have live chat facility to answer on the spot questions

Where to Buy Prociva supplement?

Official website is the viable option when you intend to buy this supplement. The website offers a range of discount packages with free shipping. Ordering from the official website is simple Plus, you can also make the payment of the supplement online.

What is worth mentioning is that the company ensures that they pack the supplement in an efficient way so that it retains its quality for all times to come.

Frequently Asked Questions about Simple Promise Prociva!

Q1. What are the pricing of Prociva?

There are three different packages available for this supplement. You can choose the one depending upon your requirement. A single bottle of this supplement will cost you about $49. You also have the option to go for three-month supply which costs about $39. When you decide to go for six-month supply, then it costs about $33.

Q2. Am I eligible for money-back guarantee with Prociva?

Simple promise offers an extensive period for money-back guarantee. You can use the supplement for 365 days. If you fail to get the results you want, then you can ask for a refund. However, there is one thing you must keep in mind.

The results may also depend upon the health of a person. For example, if you already have existing health issues, then it may take you long to witness results.

Q3. Is Prociva Scam?

The extensive money-back guarantee is a proof of the fact that the supplement is not a scam. Secondly, the ingredient information is also available on the official website. As a result, you can trust the product with immense ease.

Q4. How to take Prociva?

Take 2 capsule once a day after meal with water. Try to take pill each day same time for better result.


If you are keen to improve your quality of life, then this supplement is undoubtedly the best refuge. When you compare this supplement with other options, then you will notice that you can get improved results with this supplement. However, it is vital that you stick to the recommended dose and do not exceed it.

Plus, you will be able to save on your medical bills also. The reason is that ailments put immense burden on your physical and emotional health. Save yourself from this agony and order this supplement right away. You will not have to regret your purchase.

Masud Rana
Masud have done his post graduation from the BRUR. He likes to write about health, lifestyle fitness, world news, beauty, Medicine and nutrition, physical rehabilitation, sports massage and post-operative rehabilitation. Masud's goal is to help people live healthier lives by educating them about food, exercise, mental wellness and other lifestyle choices that can improve their quality of life.


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