SizeGenetics is a device that helps to increase the size of your genitals. This isn’t the first time we have saw such a device; there were some ridiculous ideas introduced in the market before. However, they didn’t work out as everyone was hoping them to. After reading some size genetics reviews online, we thought of giving this penis extender a try ourselves. We are going to share our experience with you guys in the following. So kindly, be patient. Let us read this sizegenetics review for more information.
What is Size Genetics?
This is a genital extender. Since 2001, SizeGenetics has been selling its products online, and it never slowed down. The company offers type 1 medical devices which are tests and proven to work. This is ideal for men in case they suffer from any person’s issue.
Many supplements in the market never help increase the size of genitals. SizeGenetics is a different story; it delivers on its promise. Following, we are going to explain this product and how it works briefly. Continue reading; we will clear any confusions you have about this product.
What is the Formula Includes in Size Genetics?
This is not a pill or medicine that you swallow and digest. Instead, it’s a device that you put on to your genitals. It is proven to enlarge the size of your genitals. Therefore, following, we are going to describe the formula of this product along with the contents of each package.
Contents of Package
The content of the package depends on what edition you bought. Yes, you heard it right, there are 4 editions of this product.Such as SizeGenetics Peyronies and Curvature Package, SizeGenetics Ultimate Pack, SizeGenetics Comfort Pack & SizeGenetics Value Edition. If you want the best of the lot, then you will have to spend money on it. Following, we are going to discuss the different packages in detail, so stick with us:
SizeGenetics Peyronies and Curvature Package
This is made for people suffering from curved genitals; it includes the following content:
- Main Device
- Multi-Function Head
- Leather case, lock, and key
- Comfort system
- Exercise and instruction DVD
- Vitamin E Oil
- Amino Pills
- Enzyme P500
- CoQ10 Enzyme+
- Peyronies and Curvature Spare Parts
SizeGenetics Ultimate Pack
The Size Genetics Penis Enlargement Device is made for people who desire max comfort and results.
- MD Multi-directional angling headpiece.
- 3M Advanced Comfort Plastics.
- Revita Cream Moisturizer.
- Traction Power.
- Health and Instruction DVD.
- Fitness E-book.
- Cleaning Wipes.
- Leather Case.
- Lock and Key.
- Travel Case.
SizeGenetics Comfort Pack
This SizeGenetics Pack is made for people who want better comfort at an affordable price; it includes the following contents:
- 3 Sets of Bars.
- 54-Way Comfort System.
SizeGenetics Value Edition
This more of a starter back, it is made for people on a tight budget. It has the following contents:
- SizeGenetics Device.
- 1 inch and 2 inches bar.
- Comfort Strap ad Pad.
- Instructional DVD.
Formula of Size Genetics
It uses stretching to increase the size of your Johnson. It stretches the genital and makes its cells break down and increase in size when it rebuilds itself. This uses the process of cytokinesis which is more of an attraction method. This also increases the flow of blood into your genitals.
The SizeGenetics Penis Extender underwent several clinical studies to discover if it works or not. A recent study was carried out where some participants were chosen. Every one of the hat to wear this device for 4 hours every day for six months. After the given time, every single participant reported the following changes:
- An average of 1-inch increase in the flaccid length of genial
- An average of .65-inch increase in the erect length of genital
According to these results, its proven that everyone had increased the length of their genital, its just some people saw better results than others. This also proved that the traction method behind the making of this product works.
How Does Size Genetics Work?
This product deliver results in two ways, let us explain them in detail:
Cell Division
The human body is adaptable, and cell divisible means splitting cells and letting them grow This is a natural process. It’s how bodybuilding works generally. When you use the SizeGenetics Extender, you stretch your genitals for a long time. Over time, your body accommodates for the stretch. It does this with splitting cells and multiplying them into new cells. This leads to growth.
This is the second approach. It’s just how the bodybuilder lifts weight to build more muscles. When a bodybuilder works out hard, they tear the tiny microfiber in their arm. Once they are done working out, the body repairs those tears and grows a bit with time.
With that said, won’t be wrong to claim that this device is a bit of exercise for your genitals. It stretches the muscles, tear them and repairs them over time. You have to repeat this process for a few months before you start seeing visible results. This is just how you build yourself in a gym.
Is Size Genetics Scam or Legit?
This is a 100% legal product. SizeGenetics come s backed up with research and clinical trial. Before the product was even introduced in the market, there were some tests and trials carried out to rift if it works properly or not. The product passed every test with flying colors, and hence it landed in the market shelves.
It is proven to work and is perfectly safe. Yes, even the SizeGenetics Manufacturing Materials are medical grade. So, you shouldn’t be afraid to use this product. It is effective and perfectly safe. You can boost the results with the use of pills or something else.
Pros and Cons of Size Genetics
Do you want to know more about theSizeGenetics elements? We explain them with the respective Pros and Cons of this product:
- SizeGenetics penis extenders have been clinically tested as a medical type one device.
- It is manufactured to the highest standards using the finest quality materials.
- It is the most effective penis extender device available on the market.
- You don’t have to worry about a single thing; this is a clinically proven product which is endorsed by doctors all around the world. This is a type 1 medical device which is safe to use. If you still have any doubt about your money, you should know it comes with 120 days money back guarantee.
- It is risk free because it provides twice your money back if you are not satisfied.
- It is easy to use and safe
This is not a pill; it’s a practical device that you wear on your genitals. So discretion is not the strong suit here. You will have to dedicate time to wear it. Apart from this, there are no SizeGenetics Side Effects.
Where to Buy SizeGenetics?
Do you want to use this product? But you have no idea from where you should buy it from, right?
Don’t worry were are here to help your case. You can easily buy this device from a pharmacy. Several online stores are selling this device. But if you want to keep yourself safe from any SizeGenetics Scam, you better buy it only from the official website. Buying from the official website assures you buy original product. It cuts off the risk of counterfeit and overcharges. This is the only way to get what you paid for!
How to Use Size Genetics?
You need to put this device on for at least 2-3 hours every day. If you want to get visible results, you have to do this every day for six months. Yes, you can take a break for 24-48 hours if you get sore. The product is a bit uncomfortable to start with. But you will get used to with time; you will need to adjust the elongation bars according to placid size to apply tension. Just make sure the device is not too tight and uncomfortable.
It’s important you persist through the first days of discomfort. The more days you wear it, the faster you will see results. The kit comes with a DVD that contains every instruction you need to know to use it. Following, we are mentioning easy steps for how to use it:
- Fit your genital in the base ring
- Unlike the elongated bars
- Assure you insert the head of genital in the headpiece
- There are bands on comfort strap, make sure you pull them
- Make some adjustments to assure you are using the right size for a comfortable fit
- Be gradual in your use; you have to start with 1 hour only until you get comfortable to wear It will take a bit time for you to get used to it
- You can wear this product underneath loose clothing. You can let the device do its work while you continue with your routine
We tried to give you as much information about this product as we can. We were brutally honest with you while reviewing this product. Yes, it’s a bit surprising, but this product delivers on its promise. We did some deep research to compile our SizeGenetics Review. Yes, we are surprised the insane idea worked out.
There are no side effects, and the product is quite affordable if you compare it with other ineffective options available in the market. Moreover, you won’t have to restock on this device from time to time. Just use it carefully, and you will be fine.